Virtual Reality for a Virtual World

Let's explore these solutions for your business

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Virtual reality is the integration of digital information with the user's environment in real time. Unlike virtual reality, which creates a totally artificial user environment, augmented reality uses this existing environment and overlays new information on top of it. The actions taken by the user will guide the experience as their choices become the reality they view.

Virtual Reality Applications known as APP’s are written in special 3D programs which our developers have real-time experience taking conceptual digital information, then transposing it to become an augmented experience in the real world.

VR applications for smartphones typically include global positioning system (GPS) to pinpoint the user's location and its compass to detect device orientation. Sophisticated V/R applications allow people to experience real time visitation to an event from the comfort of home. One of the most exciting opportunities is for your firm to take advantage of showcasing virtual tours as part of its integrated strategic marketing program.

Colleges & Universities

There are five broad trends affecting enrollment management today: Growth, Shifting Demographics, Changing Economic Model, Retention and Completion Rates. Directed-VR enhances the influence of technology and new modes of communication.

College and university enrollment management programs, at their best, are a thoughtful combination of registration - retention, market research, admissions, and financial aid.

A coordinated effort consisting of admissions marketing & enrollment management must be part of a broader strategy that the administration, faculty, and board all support in order to achieve the institutional goals of attracting students, bringing in new revenue, and growing philanthropic support.

Directed-VR brings all this together with one Turn Key Solution.



Virtual inspiration can be achieved by creating a user experience where the fascination can build, even before the concept ever hits the showroom floor. This process starts with some cool creative - visualization and some clever marketing concepts. If a picture is worth 1000 Words, and video worth 1,000,000 Words a virtual experience may be worth a BILLION.

By utilizing innovative technologies and products we are able to showcase to the consumer improvement of the environmental, safe and secured performances for next-generation vehicles.

By integrating our Patented Lay Flat Viewers as part of your coordinated marketing efforts a seamless interface with the consumer can be established

Directed-VR brings all this together with one Turn Key Solution.

Energy & Utilities

Energy, the driving force behind all existence. There are many reasons the world is looking for alternative energy sources in an effort to reduce pollutants and greenhouse gases. Trends are Solar, Wind, Geo-Thermal, Hydro Electricity, Natural Gas, and Drilling.

Alternative, or renewable energy, sources show significant promise in helping to reduce the amount of toxins that are by-products of energy use and help preserve many of the natural resources that we currently use as sources of energy.

As your company evolves Directed-VR can provide a solution allowing your consumers to become a part of these new ideas, helping your message to be adopted seamlessly

Directed-VR brings all this together with one Turn Key Solution.


Professional Sports

Sporting events are the Worlds Pastime which we all share with rooting for a team being part of our daily lives. These venues vary from Automobile Racing, Basketball, Baseball, Boxing, Cycling, Diving, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, Hockey, Ice Skating, Mixed Martial Arts, Mountain Biking, Skiing, Swimming, Tennis, Triathlon, Volleyball, Weight Lifting and countless others.

Reaching your consumer base is an essential key component to Advertising your venue while promoting loyalty. We bridge that gap with our turn key solution combined with your own marketing initiatives placing the consumer right in the middle of the mix experiencing the event as if they were there.

Directed-VR brings all this together with one Turn Key Solution.

Real Estate & Developments

Real estate development is the process of creating value by making tangible improvements to real property. The development process ranges from land speculation and new construction to the renovation of existing buildings.

The development of real estate involves a plethora of disciplines and professions, including architects, engineers, planners, lawyers, bankers, public officials, construction trades and others. Each team member plays an integral part of the real estate product delivery process including the marketing strategy.

Combining the concepts into a visual and experiential reality is what the Direced-VR solution is all about. We create an environment for the consumer & investor to be part of the building blocks virtually.

Directed-VR brings all this together with one Turn Key Solution.

Real Estate

Military & Armed Forces

Virtual inspiration can be achieved by creating a user experience which showcases how the Military provides stability to the world. Positive public relations can be demonstrated with positive real life experiences of people around the world being helped. Providing Security, Stability and Freedom are all part of the basic human condition, where countess volunteers and professionals spend their time every day securing freedom for future generations.

The Military works in 190 countries and territories to protect the rights of people everyday. Since our founding in 1776 the US Military has spent 200+ years working to improve the world, now these initiatives can be virtually experienced.

Directed-VR brings all this together with one Turn Key Solution.


Direct-To-Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising "DTCPA" has grown rapidly during the past several decades, and is now the most prominent type of health communication that the public encounters.

Channels used to distribute DTCPA most commonly include Television, Print, Magazines, Newspapers, Radio, Internet, and other forms of mass media such as Billboards and Direct Mail.

Your new health initiatives for treatment can take the whole life-cycle while educating the consumer from Research & Development, FDA Approvals, showcasing real life experiences all viewed in the comfort of ones home in a Virtual World.
Directed-VR brings all this together with one Turn Key Solution.

Pharma image

Travel & Leisure

The concept of taking a vacation is a recent invention which has been developed over the last two centuries. A vacation or holiday is a leave of absence from a regular occupation, or a specific trip or journey, usually for the purpose of recreation or tourism. People often take a vacation during specific holiday observances, or for specific festivals or celebrations. Vacations are often spent with friends or family.

In today's day of age, vacation time is something precious and we all have choices of being able to travel almost anywhere with advancement of transportation. Our viewers will allow you to visit these places virtually engaging your senses with a disbursement of endorphins creating excitement and emotion about this potential experience.

Directed-VR brings all this together with one Turn Key Solution.

Virtual Agencies

The drive to produce world class marketing is based on the understanding of creativity, technology & strategy. Directed-VR has an engineered customizable Lay Flat VR Viewer to utilize which enhances the influence of your brand messaging with additional personalization.

We are thinkers and makers who are passionate about blending media, stories and technology. We explore and apply new ideas; transforming challenges into engaging and memorable experiences. We have created visual informative design to surprise and delight people of all ages—and subsequently change the way they look at objects and information, encouraging shared experiences and exchanges.

Directed-VR brings all this together with one Turn Key Solution.

Directed Overview

Directed-VR Overview

Directed-VR provides a turn key solution for concepts, creative, content and deliverables all under one roof. The complexity is replaced allowing your marketing efforts to be focused on building your brand increasing market-share

Our Patented Personalized Lay Flat Viewers carry your messaging to the consumer, deliverable via News Paper Insertion, Direct Mail, Marketing Process or simply handed out at specific events always promoting your branding & content.

Directed-VR brings all this together with one Turn Key Solution.